
Carrer travessia , 15B Marina de Valencia

24 de mayo

11:00 – 13:30 h



Sergio Aguado.

Ingeniero Superior en Informática por la Universitat Jaume I y Máster Ejecutivo en Inteligencia Artificial por el Instituto de Inteligencia Artificial. Tras participar en distintos proyectos de desarrollo web y móvil por cuenta ajena, inició su camino en el emprendedurismo con su primera empresa, Sinergics, dedicada al desarrollo de apps, a través de la cual conoció a Alfredo R. Cebrián para fundar Cuatroochenta en 2011. Su punto fuerte es estar al día de las últimas tecnologías para aplicarlas a retos concretos. Actualmente es cofundador y consejero delegado de Cuatroochenta.  

Sergio Aguado.

He is currently co-founder and CEO of Cuatroochenta. He holds a degree in Computer Engineering from the Universitat Jaume I and an Executive Master's Degree in Artificial Intelligence from the Artificial Intelligence Institute. After participating in various web and mobile development projects as an employee, he began his journey in entrepreneurship with his first company, Sinergics, dedicated to the development of apps, through which he met Alfredo R. Cebrián to found Cuatroochenta in 2011. His strong point is keeping up to date with the latest technologies in order to apply them to specific challenges.    

Marta Bertomeu.

Graduate in Food Science and Technology with an outstanding career in the agri-food industry, focused on innovation since its beginnings. She has worked in France leading successful projects such as the launch of Danonino, in industrial pastry with the launch of the tiramisu that we can find in Mercadona, and the last 8 years in Helados Estiu, for 5 years as head of purchasing and innovation. Currently, and for the last 3 years, she has been responsible for transversal innovation and manages the company's sustainability strategy.  

Marta Bertomeu.

Marta Bertomeu es Licenciada en Ciencia y Tecnología de los Alimentos con una destacada trayectoria en la industria agroalimentaria, enfocada en la innovación desde sus inicios. 

Ha trabajado en Francia liderando proyectos exitosos como el lanzamiento de Danonino, en pastelería industrial con el lanzamiento del tiramisú que podemos encontrar en Mercadona, y los últimos 8 años en Helados Estiu, durante 5 años como responsable de compras e innovación. Actualmente y desde hace 3 años es la responsable de innovación transversal y dirige la estrategia de sostenibilidad de la compañía. 




Miguel Borrás.

Miguel es Ingeniero Informático por la UPV (1988), Máster en Diseño y Fabricación Integrada por Computador por UPV/IBM (1990), Certified Information Systems Auditor por el ISACA (1995), y Diplomado la MIT Sloan School of Management (2014). 

Cofundó la primera Junior Empresa al estilo francés en el sector informática en España, promocionando la experiencia laboral y emprendedora entre los estudiantes. Durante 15 años Miguel dirigió multitud de proyectos de investigación nacionales e internacionales, coordinando la I+D en un centro de investigación. En 2001 se pasó al ámbito de la empresa tecnológica como emprendedor y business angel, cofundando diversas empresas en los campos de la bioinformática y biotecnología, tecnología informática, consultoría tecnológica y acción social. Actualmente Miguel es cofundador y CEO de Antara Information Technology. Entre sus clientes se han contado empresas líderes  en el ámbito global como Repsol, ACS, Siemens-Gamesa, Liebherr, Tenaris-Dalmine o Coveris,  

Miguel Borrás.

The CEO and founder of S2 Grupo, a company specialising in cybersecurity and cyberintelligence, is an industrial engineer, specialising in electrical engineering, a specialist in maritime business from ICADE and holds a Master's degree in Security Management. A consultant specialising in cybersecurity, operation of critical systems and real-time management systems, he leads rapid intervention teams in the management of cybersecurity incidents from the Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT) of S2 Grupo and collaborates with the CERTs of the CNI, INCIBE, the Joint Command of Cyberspace and the CSIRT-CV. Previously, he was director of ICT at Unión Naval de Levante, director of operations at Tissat and associate professor at the UV. He was also a member of the Expert Committee of the 2019 National Cybersecurity Strategy and is part of the Cyber Policy Working Group of the Real Instituto El Cano.

Ángel Buigues.

Graduate in Business Studies from the UV and Graduate in Business Administration from UNIR, Postgraduate Diploma in Commercial Banking from the UB. He has worked at Banco Sabadell since 2007, always in areas related to business banking. Since 2015 he coordinates the BStartup programme in the East Territorial Management and currently he is also the Head of Banking Services for startups throughout the country. He is co-founder of the Startups&Investors Connect Forum (SIConnect), which has been active since 2017 and has accumulated 30 editions. He is also a trainer and regular speaker in programmes to promote innovative and technological entrepreneurship.  

Naia Espinosa.

CEO of Dryfing, she graduated in Business Administration and Management at the University of the Basque Country. As part of her degree, she oriented her curriculum towards marketing and entrepreneurship, the areas that most interested her. She has a Master's degree in Digital Marketing and Social Media Management and has done mentoring and entrepreneurship courses in accelerators and institutions such as Bic Araba, Berri Up, Explorer, Cátedra de Cultura Empresarial or Lanzadera. She is certified as an instructor by the Spanish Surfing Federation and has worked as a surf instructor in Asturias and at the Mediterranean school in Valencia. She knows the needs of her potential client and can create a business structure that meets the demand in a profitable and efficient way.  

Pablo Fernández.

Systems engineer with extensive experience linked to technology, innovation and the transformation of these in the company. I have held positions of responsibility as CIO, head of innovation and transformation and advising both multinational and family companies in different sectors, retail, services, banking, insurance, transport, etc. I am currently director of technology and innovation at Balearia.  

Luis Fernández.

Graduated in Business Administration and Management and holds a Master's Degree in Innovation and Entrepreneurship. He began his career in the Innovation departments of MAPFRE and Neinor Homes and worked as a strategic and innovation consultant at BICG. He has founded two startups; and Elevatorfy. In addition, Luis is a professor and coordinator of the Entrepreneurship course at the Universidad Pontificia de Comillas.   

Ricardo García.

He has 10 years of experience in technology associated with retail, both in entrepreneurship, working in startups and in large companies and is CEO of Flipflow, a market analysis platform that seeks to become a central brain for brands, manufacturers and distributors of any vertical to control their markets, distribution and competition and make better business decisions in a more agile, efficient way and with accurate information from anywhere in the world in real time.

Santiago Jiménez.

He is a young entrepreneur committed to positive impact. Passionate about technology, creativity and nature, he currently leads a multidisciplinary team as co-founder and CEO of Liight.

Raúl Martín.

Degree in Computer Science from the Polytechnic University of Valencia and PDG from IESE. He was founder and president of the Valencian Association of Startups until January 2019 and his professional career has always been linked to the management of business projects with a focus on innovation, investment and the entrepreneurial environment. During his extensive career, which includes positions of responsibility in the private and public sector, he has been Director General of Economy and Entrepreneurship of the Generalitat Valenciana and responsible for the winning candidacy of the Comunitat Valenciana for the European Entrepreneurial Region 2015 award, as well as head of the Telefónica OpenFuture ScaleUp programme and co-founder and president of the Valencian Association of Startups (Startup Valencia). He also founded the technology company VSoft in his final year of his career. For his activity as an entrepreneur he was awarded by the IDEAS Institute of the UPV in 2013.    

Darío Olivares.

Graduate in Law and Master in International Trade. He has developed his professional career in large companies, holding various management positions in businesses related to logistics in distribution warehouses and in the pharmaceutical sector. He currently holds the position of Lanzadera Corporate in the startup accelerator Lanzadera.

Pepe Tatay.

Aerospace engineer from the Universitat Politécnica de València and TU Delft University. After working on projects for different space agencies, Pepe decided to return to Valencia to start up Tweenvest, a platform to help private investors invest in the stock market. After his time at the University of Berkeley, in Silicon Valley, he is currently at Lanzadera, where he develops Tweenvest full time as CEO.

Yoko Tamura.

Bachelor of Arts from Tokyo Women's Christian University. She holds a Master's degree in International Peace, Conflict and Development Studies from Jaume I University in Castellón and an MBA from ESIC Business & Marketing School in Valencia. In her professional life, she has experience in UBE Corporation Europe (Castellón), coordinating the Japanese headquarters in several areas of the organisation and supporting the management. He has also been part of the strategy and business development unit as head of marketing, digital marketing and branding, as well as business out of the box, taking a step towards innovation and entering the world of startups. He is currently part of the Market Intelligence Team, in the Marketing Group, reinforcing internal communication and collaborating with the Japanese headquarters.

Juan Enrique Valero.

Graduate in Business Studies from the University of Valencia. He has more than 25 years of experience in the financial sector, the last 14 of which have been in the business sector, occupying different positions within CaixaBank. For the last few years, he has been the director of business centres and head of business financing in the Valencia Region, also within CaixaBank.

Pablo Valverde.

Since I was a child I have always had a great interest in communicating to the world. This love for communication led me to study marketing, design and communication during my studies and to dedicate myself to marketing and social media, which is a great personal passion. Three years ago I found myself at the time of entrepreneurship and I joined Demium's incubation programme with my partners. There we first created another project, which was never launched, but, as we saw that the three partners made a good team, we stayed together to develop Crowmie.

Mary Carmen Vidal.

Degree in Biology, PhD in Biological Sciences and Master in Food Business Management (DEA) from the San Telmo Foundation. She has been a researcher for more than 14 years in projects related to biotechnology and genetic analysis of plants. Research professor for more than 5 years at the Universidad Nacional Experimental Simón Rodriguez, Venezuela. She has more than 8 scientific publications in international journals and more than 30 presentations in international scientific congresses. In addition to tutoring bachelor and master theses, she has also been a lecturer of the Master in Brewing Science and Technology at the University of Alcalá for 4 years until now. She is a specialist in submitting research projects to national and international calls for proposals, obtaining funding, and in innovation and product development, leading the launch of more than 30 products in Dacsa Group. For the last 18 years, she has been corporate product manager at Dacsa Group.    

Amado Villar.

Co-founder and CEO of xNova International. He studied international business at the University of Valencia and later at the University of North Carolina Wilmington, USA. He has worked in the International Trade department at the Spanish Chamber of Commerce in the U.S. He joined his partner and CTO, Miguel Ortega, to develop software that would give visibility to companies abroad and increase their chances of success. In 2022, they left the US and returned to Spain to dedicate themselves full-time to the project. They joined Lanzadera and since then they have grown from two to fifteen people in the team, raised investment with investors such as Plug&Play and ieStart and supported more than a hundred exporting companies to successfully expand into international markets.

Kilian Zaragozá.

A graduate in Industrial Engineering from the Jaume I University and the Polytechnic University of Torino, Kilian started his career as a Process Engineer in a Danish multinational. Subsequently, he took on the role of technical sales engineer and digitisation elements for multiple industries (food, automotive, cosmetics, textile, ceramics...) in another Japanese multinational. Simultaneously, between 2016 and February 2019, he founded and developed the company Foodration4all, currently known as Naria, positioning himself as General Manager-CEO of the project.

Sergio Aguado.

Ingeniero Superior en Informática por la Universitat Jaume I y Máster Ejecutivo en Inteligencia Artificial por el Instituto de Inteligencia Artificial. Tras participar en distintos proyectos de desarrollo web y móvil por cuenta ajena, inició su camino en el emprendedurismo con su primera empresa, Sinergics, dedicada al desarrollo de apps, a través de la cual conoció a Alfredo R. Cebrián para fundar Cuatroochenta en 2011. Su punto fuerte es estar al día de las últimas tecnologías para aplicarlas a retos concretos. Actualmente es cofundador y consejero delegado de Cuatroochenta.  

Sergio Aguado.

He is currently co-founder and CEO of Cuatroochenta. He holds a degree in Computer Engineering from the Universitat Jaume I and an Executive Master's Degree in Artificial Intelligence from the Artificial Intelligence Institute. After participating in various web and mobile development projects as an employee, he began his journey in entrepreneurship with his first company, Sinergics, dedicated to the development of apps, through which he met Alfredo R. Cebrián to found Cuatroochenta in 2011. His strong point is keeping up to date with the latest technologies in order to apply them to specific challenges.    

Marta Bertomeu.

Graduate in Food Science and Technology with an outstanding career in the agri-food industry, focused on innovation since its beginnings. She has worked in France leading successful projects such as the launch of Danonino, in industrial pastry with the launch of the tiramisu that we can find in Mercadona, and the last 8 years in Helados Estiu, for 5 years as head of purchasing and innovation. Currently, and for the last 3 years, she has been responsible for transversal innovation and manages the company's sustainability strategy.  

Marta Bertomeu.

Marta Bertomeu es Licenciada en Ciencia y Tecnología de los Alimentos con una destacada trayectoria en la industria agroalimentaria, enfocada en la innovación desde sus inicios. 

Ha trabajado en Francia liderando proyectos exitosos como el lanzamiento de Danonino, en pastelería industrial con el lanzamiento del tiramisú que podemos encontrar en Mercadona, y los últimos 8 años en Helados Estiu, durante 5 años como responsable de compras e innovación. Actualmente y desde hace 3 años es la responsable de innovación transversal y dirige la estrategia de sostenibilidad de la compañía. 




Miguel Borrás.

Miguel es Ingeniero Informático por la UPV (1988), Máster en Diseño y Fabricación Integrada por Computador por UPV/IBM (1990), Certified Information Systems Auditor por el ISACA (1995), y Diplomado la MIT Sloan School of Management (2014). 

Cofundó la primera Junior Empresa al estilo francés en el sector informática en España, promocionando la experiencia laboral y emprendedora entre los estudiantes. Durante 15 años Miguel dirigió multitud de proyectos de investigación nacionales e internacionales, coordinando la I+D en un centro de investigación. En 2001 se pasó al ámbito de la empresa tecnológica como emprendedor y business angel, cofundando diversas empresas en los campos de la bioinformática y biotecnología, tecnología informática, consultoría tecnológica y acción social. Actualmente Miguel es cofundador y CEO de Antara Information Technology. Entre sus clientes se han contado empresas líderes  en el ámbito global como Repsol, ACS, Siemens-Gamesa, Liebherr, Tenaris-Dalmine o Coveris,  

Miguel Borrás.

The CEO and founder of S2 Grupo, a company specialising in cybersecurity and cyberintelligence, is an industrial engineer, specialising in electrical engineering, a specialist in maritime business from ICADE and holds a Master's degree in Security Management. A consultant specialising in cybersecurity, operation of critical systems and real-time management systems, he leads rapid intervention teams in the management of cybersecurity incidents from the Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT) of S2 Grupo and collaborates with the CERTs of the CNI, INCIBE, the Joint Command of Cyberspace and the CSIRT-CV. Previously, he was director of ICT at Unión Naval de Levante, director of operations at Tissat and associate professor at the UV. He was also a member of the Expert Committee of the 2019 National Cybersecurity Strategy and is part of the Cyber Policy Working Group of the Real Instituto El Cano.

Ángel Buigues.

Graduate in Business Studies from the UV and Graduate in Business Administration from UNIR, Postgraduate Diploma in Commercial Banking from the UB. He has worked at Banco Sabadell since 2007, always in areas related to business banking. Since 2015 he coordinates the BStartup programme in the East Territorial Management and currently he is also the Head of Banking Services for startups throughout the country. He is co-founder of the Startups&Investors Connect Forum (SIConnect), which has been active since 2017 and has accumulated 30 editions. He is also a trainer and regular speaker in programmes to promote innovative and technological entrepreneurship.  

Naia Espinosa.

CEO of Dryfing, she graduated in Business Administration and Management at the University of the Basque Country. As part of her degree, she oriented her curriculum towards marketing and entrepreneurship, the areas that most interested her. She has a Master's degree in Digital Marketing and Social Media Management and has done mentoring and entrepreneurship courses in accelerators and institutions such as Bic Araba, Berri Up, Explorer, Cátedra de Cultura Empresarial or Lanzadera. She is certified as an instructor by the Spanish Surfing Federation and has worked as a surf instructor in Asturias and at the Mediterranean school in Valencia. She knows the needs of her potential client and can create a business structure that meets the demand in a profitable and efficient way.  

Pablo Fernández.

Systems engineer with extensive experience linked to technology, innovation and the transformation of these in the company. I have held positions of responsibility as CIO, head of innovation and transformation and advising both multinational and family companies in different sectors, retail, services, banking, insurance, transport, etc. I am currently director of technology and innovation at Balearia.  

Luis Fernández.

Graduated in Business Administration and Management and holds a Master's Degree in Innovation and Entrepreneurship. He began his career in the Innovation departments of MAPFRE and Neinor Homes and worked as a strategic and innovation consultant at BICG. He has founded two startups; and Elevatorfy. In addition, Luis is a professor and coordinator of the Entrepreneurship course at the Universidad Pontificia de Comillas.   

Ricardo García.

He has 10 years of experience in technology associated with retail, both in entrepreneurship, working in startups and in large companies and is CEO of Flipflow, a market analysis platform that seeks to become a central brain for brands, manufacturers and distributors of any vertical to control their markets, distribution and competition and make better business decisions in a more agile, efficient way and with accurate information from anywhere in the world in real time.

Santiago Jiménez.

He is a young entrepreneur committed to positive impact. Passionate about technology, creativity and nature, he currently leads a multidisciplinary team as co-founder and CEO of Liight.

Raúl Martín.

Degree in Computer Science from the Polytechnic University of Valencia and PDG from IESE. He was founder and president of the Valencian Association of Startups until January 2019 and his professional career has always been linked to the management of business projects with a focus on innovation, investment and the entrepreneurial environment. During his extensive career, which includes positions of responsibility in the private and public sector, he has been Director General of Economy and Entrepreneurship of the Generalitat Valenciana and responsible for the winning candidacy of the Comunitat Valenciana for the European Entrepreneurial Region 2015 award, as well as head of the Telefónica OpenFuture ScaleUp programme and co-founder and president of the Valencian Association of Startups (Startup Valencia). He also founded the technology company VSoft in his final year of his career. For his activity as an entrepreneur he was awarded by the IDEAS Institute of the UPV in 2013.    

Darío Olivares.

Graduate in Law and Master in International Trade. He has developed his professional career in large companies, holding various management positions in businesses related to logistics in distribution warehouses and in the pharmaceutical sector. He currently holds the position of Lanzadera Corporate in the startup accelerator Lanzadera.

Pepe Tatay.

Aerospace engineer from the Universitat Politécnica de València and TU Delft University. After working on projects for different space agencies, Pepe decided to return to Valencia to start up Tweenvest, a platform to help private investors invest in the stock market. After his time at the University of Berkeley, in Silicon Valley, he is currently at Lanzadera, where he develops Tweenvest full time as CEO.

Yoko Tamura.

Bachelor of Arts from Tokyo Women's Christian University. She holds a Master's degree in International Peace, Conflict and Development Studies from Jaume I University in Castellón and an MBA from ESIC Business & Marketing School in Valencia. In her professional life, she has experience in UBE Corporation Europe (Castellón), coordinating the Japanese headquarters in several areas of the organisation and supporting the management. He has also been part of the strategy and business development unit as head of marketing, digital marketing and branding, as well as business out of the box, taking a step towards innovation and entering the world of startups. He is currently part of the Market Intelligence Team, in the Marketing Group, reinforcing internal communication and collaborating with the Japanese headquarters.

Juan Enrique Valero.

Graduate in Business Studies from the University of Valencia. He has more than 25 years of experience in the financial sector, the last 14 of which have been in the business sector, occupying different positions within CaixaBank. For the last few years, he has been the director of business centres and head of business financing in the Valencia Region, also within CaixaBank.

Pablo Valverde.

Since I was a child I have always had a great interest in communicating to the world. This love for communication led me to study marketing, design and communication during my studies and to dedicate myself to marketing and social media, which is a great personal passion. Three years ago I found myself at the time of entrepreneurship and I joined Demium's incubation programme with my partners. There we first created another project, which was never launched, but, as we saw that the three partners made a good team, we stayed together to develop Crowmie.

Mary Carmen Vidal.

Degree in Biology, PhD in Biological Sciences and Master in Food Business Management (DEA) from the San Telmo Foundation. She has been a researcher for more than 14 years in projects related to biotechnology and genetic analysis of plants. Research professor for more than 5 years at the Universidad Nacional Experimental Simón Rodriguez, Venezuela. She has more than 8 scientific publications in international journals and more than 30 presentations in international scientific congresses. In addition to tutoring bachelor and master theses, she has also been a lecturer of the Master in Brewing Science and Technology at the University of Alcalá for 4 years until now. She is a specialist in submitting research projects to national and international calls for proposals, obtaining funding, and in innovation and product development, leading the launch of more than 30 products in Dacsa Group. For the last 18 years, she has been corporate product manager at Dacsa Group.    

Amado Villar.

Co-founder and CEO of xNova International. He studied international business at the University of Valencia and later at the University of North Carolina Wilmington, USA. He has worked in the International Trade department at the Spanish Chamber of Commerce in the U.S. He joined his partner and CTO, Miguel Ortega, to develop software that would give visibility to companies abroad and increase their chances of success. In 2022, they left the US and returned to Spain to dedicate themselves full-time to the project. They joined Lanzadera and since then they have grown from two to fifteen people in the team, raised investment with investors such as Plug&Play and ieStart and supported more than a hundred exporting companies to successfully expand into international markets.

Kilian Zaragozá.

A graduate in Industrial Engineering from the Jaume I University and the Polytechnic University of Torino, Kilian started his career as a Process Engineer in a Danish multinational. Subsequently, he took on the role of technical sales engineer and digitisation elements for multiple industries (food, automotive, cosmetics, textile, ceramics...) in another Japanese multinational. Simultaneously, between 2016 and February 2019, he founded and developed the company Foodration4all, currently known as Naria, positioning himself as General Manager-CEO of the project.

Sergio Aguado.

Ingeniero Superior en Informática por la Universitat Jaume I y Máster Ejecutivo en Inteligencia Artificial por el Instituto de Inteligencia Artificial. Tras participar en distintos proyectos de desarrollo web y móvil por cuenta ajena, inició su camino en el emprendedurismo con su primera empresa, Sinergics, dedicada al desarrollo de apps, a través de la cual conoció a Alfredo R. Cebrián para fundar Cuatroochenta en 2011. Su punto fuerte es estar al día de las últimas tecnologías para aplicarlas a retos concretos. Actualmente es cofundador y consejero delegado de Cuatroochenta.  

Sergio Aguado.

He is currently co-founder and CEO of Cuatroochenta. He holds a degree in Computer Engineering from the Universitat Jaume I and an Executive Master's Degree in Artificial Intelligence from the Artificial Intelligence Institute. After participating in various web and mobile development projects as an employee, he began his journey in entrepreneurship with his first company, Sinergics, dedicated to the development of apps, through which he met Alfredo R. Cebrián to found Cuatroochenta in 2011. His strong point is keeping up to date with the latest technologies in order to apply them to specific challenges.    

Marta Bertomeu.

Graduate in Food Science and Technology with an outstanding career in the agri-food industry, focused on innovation since its beginnings. She has worked in France leading successful projects such as the launch of Danonino, in industrial pastry with the launch of the tiramisu that we can find in Mercadona, and the last 8 years in Helados Estiu, for 5 years as head of purchasing and innovation. Currently, and for the last 3 years, she has been responsible for transversal innovation and manages the company's sustainability strategy.  

Marta Bertomeu.

Marta Bertomeu es Licenciada en Ciencia y Tecnología de los Alimentos con una destacada trayectoria en la industria agroalimentaria, enfocada en la innovación desde sus inicios. 

Ha trabajado en Francia liderando proyectos exitosos como el lanzamiento de Danonino, en pastelería industrial con el lanzamiento del tiramisú que podemos encontrar en Mercadona, y los últimos 8 años en Helados Estiu, durante 5 años como responsable de compras e innovación. Actualmente y desde hace 3 años es la responsable de innovación transversal y dirige la estrategia de sostenibilidad de la compañía. 




Miguel Borrás.

Miguel es Ingeniero Informático por la UPV (1988), Máster en Diseño y Fabricación Integrada por Computador por UPV/IBM (1990), Certified Information Systems Auditor por el ISACA (1995), y Diplomado la MIT Sloan School of Management (2014). 

Cofundó la primera Junior Empresa al estilo francés en el sector informática en España, promocionando la experiencia laboral y emprendedora entre los estudiantes. Durante 15 años Miguel dirigió multitud de proyectos de investigación nacionales e internacionales, coordinando la I+D en un centro de investigación. En 2001 se pasó al ámbito de la empresa tecnológica como emprendedor y business angel, cofundando diversas empresas en los campos de la bioinformática y biotecnología, tecnología informática, consultoría tecnológica y acción social. Actualmente Miguel es cofundador y CEO de Antara Information Technology. Entre sus clientes se han contado empresas líderes  en el ámbito global como Repsol, ACS, Siemens-Gamesa, Liebherr, Tenaris-Dalmine o Coveris,  

Miguel Borrás.

The CEO and founder of S2 Grupo, a company specialising in cybersecurity and cyberintelligence, is an industrial engineer, specialising in electrical engineering, a specialist in maritime business from ICADE and holds a Master's degree in Security Management. A consultant specialising in cybersecurity, operation of critical systems and real-time management systems, he leads rapid intervention teams in the management of cybersecurity incidents from the Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT) of S2 Grupo and collaborates with the CERTs of the CNI, INCIBE, the Joint Command of Cyberspace and the CSIRT-CV. Previously, he was director of ICT at Unión Naval de Levante, director of operations at Tissat and associate professor at the UV. He was also a member of the Expert Committee of the 2019 National Cybersecurity Strategy and is part of the Cyber Policy Working Group of the Real Instituto El Cano.

Ángel Buigues.

Graduate in Business Studies from the UV and Graduate in Business Administration from UNIR, Postgraduate Diploma in Commercial Banking from the UB. He has worked at Banco Sabadell since 2007, always in areas related to business banking. Since 2015 he coordinates the BStartup programme in the East Territorial Management and currently he is also the Head of Banking Services for startups throughout the country. He is co-founder of the Startups&Investors Connect Forum (SIConnect), which has been active since 2017 and has accumulated 30 editions. He is also a trainer and regular speaker in programmes to promote innovative and technological entrepreneurship.  

Naia Espinosa.

CEO of Dryfing, she graduated in Business Administration and Management at the University of the Basque Country. As part of her degree, she oriented her curriculum towards marketing and entrepreneurship, the areas that most interested her. She has a Master's degree in Digital Marketing and Social Media Management and has done mentoring and entrepreneurship courses in accelerators and institutions such as Bic Araba, Berri Up, Explorer, Cátedra de Cultura Empresarial or Lanzadera. She is certified as an instructor by the Spanish Surfing Federation and has worked as a surf instructor in Asturias and at the Mediterranean school in Valencia. She knows the needs of her potential client and can create a business structure that meets the demand in a profitable and efficient way.  

Pablo Fernández.

Systems engineer with extensive experience linked to technology, innovation and the transformation of these in the company. I have held positions of responsibility as CIO, head of innovation and transformation and advising both multinational and family companies in different sectors, retail, services, banking, insurance, transport, etc. I am currently director of technology and innovation at Balearia.  

Luis Fernández.

Graduated in Business Administration and Management and holds a Master's Degree in Innovation and Entrepreneurship. He began his career in the Innovation departments of MAPFRE and Neinor Homes and worked as a strategic and innovation consultant at BICG. He has founded two startups; and Elevatorfy. In addition, Luis is a professor and coordinator of the Entrepreneurship course at the Universidad Pontificia de Comillas.   

Ricardo García.

He has 10 years of experience in technology associated with retail, both in entrepreneurship, working in startups and in large companies and is CEO of Flipflow, a market analysis platform that seeks to become a central brain for brands, manufacturers and distributors of any vertical to control their markets, distribution and competition and make better business decisions in a more agile, efficient way and with accurate information from anywhere in the world in real time.

Santiago Jiménez.

He is a young entrepreneur committed to positive impact. Passionate about technology, creativity and nature, he currently leads a multidisciplinary team as co-founder and CEO of Liight.

Raúl Martín.

Degree in Computer Science from the Polytechnic University of Valencia and PDG from IESE. He was founder and president of the Valencian Association of Startups until January 2019 and his professional career has always been linked to the management of business projects with a focus on innovation, investment and the entrepreneurial environment. During his extensive career, which includes positions of responsibility in the private and public sector, he has been Director General of Economy and Entrepreneurship of the Generalitat Valenciana and responsible for the winning candidacy of the Comunitat Valenciana for the European Entrepreneurial Region 2015 award, as well as head of the Telefónica OpenFuture ScaleUp programme and co-founder and president of the Valencian Association of Startups (Startup Valencia). He also founded the technology company VSoft in his final year of his career. For his activity as an entrepreneur he was awarded by the IDEAS Institute of the UPV in 2013.    

Darío Olivares.

Graduate in Law and Master in International Trade. He has developed his professional career in large companies, holding various management positions in businesses related to logistics in distribution warehouses and in the pharmaceutical sector. He currently holds the position of Lanzadera Corporate in the startup accelerator Lanzadera.

Pepe Tatay.

Aerospace engineer from the Universitat Politécnica de València and TU Delft University. After working on projects for different space agencies, Pepe decided to return to Valencia to start up Tweenvest, a platform to help private investors invest in the stock market. After his time at the University of Berkeley, in Silicon Valley, he is currently at Lanzadera, where he develops Tweenvest full time as CEO.

Yoko Tamura.

Bachelor of Arts from Tokyo Women's Christian University. She holds a Master's degree in International Peace, Conflict and Development Studies from Jaume I University in Castellón and an MBA from ESIC Business & Marketing School in Valencia. In her professional life, she has experience in UBE Corporation Europe (Castellón), coordinating the Japanese headquarters in several areas of the organisation and supporting the management. He has also been part of the strategy and business development unit as head of marketing, digital marketing and branding, as well as business out of the box, taking a step towards innovation and entering the world of startups. He is currently part of the Market Intelligence Team, in the Marketing Group, reinforcing internal communication and collaborating with the Japanese headquarters.

Juan Enrique Valero.

Graduate in Business Studies from the University of Valencia. He has more than 25 years of experience in the financial sector, the last 14 of which have been in the business sector, occupying different positions within CaixaBank. For the last few years, he has been the director of business centres and head of business financing in the Valencia Region, also within CaixaBank.

Pablo Valverde.

Since I was a child I have always had a great interest in communicating to the world. This love for communication led me to study marketing, design and communication during my studies and to dedicate myself to marketing and social media, which is a great personal passion. Three years ago I found myself at the time of entrepreneurship and I joined Demium's incubation programme with my partners. There we first created another project, which was never launched, but, as we saw that the three partners made a good team, we stayed together to develop Crowmie.

Mary Carmen Vidal.

Degree in Biology, PhD in Biological Sciences and Master in Food Business Management (DEA) from the San Telmo Foundation. She has been a researcher for more than 14 years in projects related to biotechnology and genetic analysis of plants. Research professor for more than 5 years at the Universidad Nacional Experimental Simón Rodriguez, Venezuela. She has more than 8 scientific publications in international journals and more than 30 presentations in international scientific congresses. In addition to tutoring bachelor and master theses, she has also been a lecturer of the Master in Brewing Science and Technology at the University of Alcalá for 4 years until now. She is a specialist in submitting research projects to national and international calls for proposals, obtaining funding, and in innovation and product development, leading the launch of more than 30 products in Dacsa Group. For the last 18 years, she has been corporate product manager at Dacsa Group.    

Amado Villar.

Co-founder and CEO of xNova International. He studied international business at the University of Valencia and later at the University of North Carolina Wilmington, USA. He has worked in the International Trade department at the Spanish Chamber of Commerce in the U.S. He joined his partner and CTO, Miguel Ortega, to develop software that would give visibility to companies abroad and increase their chances of success. In 2022, they left the US and returned to Spain to dedicate themselves full-time to the project. They joined Lanzadera and since then they have grown from two to fifteen people in the team, raised investment with investors such as Plug&Play and ieStart and supported more than a hundred exporting companies to successfully expand into international markets.

Kilian Zaragozá.

A graduate in Industrial Engineering from the Jaume I University and the Polytechnic University of Torino, Kilian started his career as a Process Engineer in a Danish multinational. Subsequently, he took on the role of technical sales engineer and digitisation elements for multiple industries (food, automotive, cosmetics, textile, ceramics...) in another Japanese multinational. Simultaneously, between 2016 and February 2019, he founded and developed the company Foodration4all, currently known as Naria, positioning himself as General Manager-CEO of the project.