Fundación LAB Mediterráneo strengthens its commitment to researchers in the Region of Valencia through an entrepreneurship program in EDEM

Valencia, 19 July 2023.- Fundación LAB Mediterráneo, a project promoted by the Employers’ Association of Valencia (AVE), afforded the scientists participating in two meetings organized by the foundation the opportunity to take a business management course in EDEM Business School, to connect businesspeople and researchers.
The course’s main aim is to train the researchers taking part in tools and concepts linked to entrepreneurship and to business strategy, which allows them to successfully launch their own project on the market.
The 16 researchers belonging to the “l’Associació de Científiques i Científics d’Excel·lència del Pla GenT (AccenT)” who took part in the program are:: Abraham Mendoza (ICMoL, University of Valencia), Gonzalo Abellán (University of Valencia), Joaquín Soriano (Institute of Molecular Science), Carlos Sabater (University of Alicante), Emma Torró (Institute of Corpuscular Physics (CSIC-UV), Carlos Escobar (Institute of Corpuscular Physics (CSIC-UV), Amílcar Bedoya (University of Valencia), Antonio José Signes (Miguel Hernández University), Belén Franch (University of Valencia), Jorge González (University of Valencia), José Jaime Baldoví (University of Valencia), Isabel del Pino (Institute of Neurosciences CSIC – UMH), Iván Sorribes (Jaume I University), Manuel Quesada (Institute of Molecular Science, University of Valencia), Marcileia Zanatta (Jaume I University) and Vicente Martí (Polytechnic University of Valencia).
During the course, the attendants enjoyed classes in theory as well as practical training on subjects applicable to the daily life of a business, among which were: Design Thinking, with Violeta Garín (Big Picture); Strategy to launch a product on the market with Jordi Nogués (Sesame HR); Communication, conducted by Maribel Vilaplana (Reporter and consultant); Ángela Pérez (Health InCode) gave a talk on her particular case of success; Business Strategy, with José Manuel Herráiz (Levantina Techlam); and, last of all, the closing talk given by Juan Vicen Balaguer (Zeleros).
Moreover, there was a lunch colloquium on each of the days, at which attending businesses could converse and lay out different ideas on everything that was discussed in the classroom, as well as their own experience.
A lot of research is generated in universities, but very little of it reaches busi-nesses. With this action, the foundation managed to meet one of its founding objectives, that is, help support the science-business binomial in order to strengthen and improve growth in the medium and long term in the Region of Valencia.
Fundación LAB Mediterráneo
Fundación LAB Mediterráneo is a project created by AVE with the mission of positioning the Region of Valencia as a national and European benchmark in entrepreneurship, innovation, technology and research.
To achieve this, it has set itself five objectives: to promote the creation and attraction of technology start-ups; to work to attract national and international technology companies to set up in the Region of Valencia and create a ‘tractor effect’; to promote support for companies in non-technological sectors to accelerate their digital transformation; to contribute to increasing private investment in R&D&I; and to help promote research.
The Foundation’s Board of Trustees is made up of the following entities Aceitunas Cazorla, Aquaservice/Plug and Play, AVE, Baleària, Banco Sabadell, Boluda Corporación Marítima, CaixaBank, Dacsa Group, Embutidos Martínez/KMZERO, GDES, Grupo AZA, Grupo Bertolín, Grupo Gimeno, Helados Estiu, Importaco, Lanzadera, Logifruit, Nunsys, Royo/ Invext, S2 Grupo, SPB/Cleanity TIBA/Romeu, Verne Technology Group y Zeus/Sesame.