15 October 2024

Fundación LAB Mediterráneo organises the third edition of its Unlimited Mentoring to promote innovation and technology in SMEs

Alicante, 15 October 2024.- Fundación LAB Mediterráneo, a project promoted by the Valencian Association of Entrepreneurs (AVE), today organised the third edition of its Unlimited Mentoring, whose objective is to support SMEs in overcoming challenges in the field of technology and innovation, taking advantage of the experiences and lessons learned from leading companies in these fields.

The event, which took place in Distrito Digital Region of Valencia, was inaugurated by the president of Fundación LAB Mediterráneo, Héctor Dominguis, who began the day by thanking ‘all those who participate as mentors and mentorees’ for their attendance and participation, and highlighted as the main objective of both the Foundation and Mentoring the fact of ‘providing ideas and tools to the companies that participate, in order to be more competitive through innovation and technology’.

After Dominguis’ words, the talk “100 years of Carmencita” was presented, in which Jesús Navarro Alberola, president and CEO of Carmencita, reviewed the brand’s trajectory over its 100 years and emphasised differentiation as a key factor in companies, using its anniversary as an example. ‘What better difference than to celebrate Carmencita’s 100th anniversary in a different way. We thought about renewing Carmencita, focusing on both the product and the brand idea. Focusing on the young public, the new Carmencita buyers’, he declared.

The day continued with a dialogue between Javier Guerrero, CEO of Indya and mentor in the second edition of this meeting, and Isabelle Pieroth, head of innovation at Logifruit. 

During his intervention, Guerrero pointed out that ‘the problems that a nutrition, logistics or fruit company has, although they may seem unrelated, can offer valuable lessons’, thus arguing that the differences between companies can be opportunities to learn ‘when they coexist at a round table. ‘These challenges, together with each other’s strengths, allow you to learn from each other’s experiences and thus improve as a company,’ he said.  

 For his part, Pieroth concluded this dialogue by recalling the importance of the day because, in his words, ‘this mentoring is enriching for both the mentees and the mentors’, and highlighted the importance of sharing business trajectories by stating that ‘this is a space to share experiences acquired in companies with a long history; it is a firm commitment to grow and promote the business fabric of the Region of Valencia’.  

After the conversation, the group work sessions began, led by expert mentors in innovation and technology, including representatives from Helados Estiu, Aquaservice, Grupo Gimeno, Sesame HR, Nunsys, Importaco, Balèaria, Banco Sabadell, Familia Martínez, S2 Grupo, Lanzadera, Logifruit, Écija Abogados and Caixabank. 

Throughout the day, the participants worked together to overcome the daily challenges of their companies. With the support of two mentors at each table, they shared ideas and experiences, identifying solutions and tackling challenges effectively.

In this way, attendees explored new strategies and approaches, which not only broadened their horizons, but also fostered a dynamic and collaborative learning environment. Open discussions and the exchange of ideas have led to an enriching dialogue, allowing participants to gain diverse perspectives on how to tackle everyday obstacles in their businesses.  

Among the companies that have been mentored are Rabiobit Sistemas, Disgramarc, Matthews Food, SumamoOS BI & Digital Channels, Ledger Delivery, DLQ International Consulting, A foc i flama, Lynx View, Utopick Chocolates, Farmacia Ocarasa, Entornos de formación, Tatay, Doss2 consultores, Coma, LTS Salud and Inmobiliaria Núcleo.  

During the session, both mentors and mentees were organised into 5 different groups to deal with the different challenges discussed by each company. The importance of scaling a business with the right preparation to avoid uncertainties was noted. In addition, the need for specialised profiles for growth was emphasised. It was also analysed that innovation in products and services is based on the premise of adapting to the needs of customers. Challenges in attracting and retaining talent were identified, as well as labour shortages in traditional sectors and saturation in the IT sector.  

The event has highlighted the importance of surrounding oneself with good mentors for the goal of business growth. The organisers thank the mentors and participants for their commitment and enthusiasm, hoping that this day will be the beginning of future collaborations that will continue to promote the competitiveness of companies through innovation and technology. 

At the end of the Mentoring, the mentorees will be able to take a business management course at EDEM Escuela de Empresarios. The main objective of the SuperPymes course is to train participating entrepreneurs by providing them with knowledge in the main areas of business management.


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