26 June 2024

Sustainable Technology: Innovating for an Eco-Friendly Future

In a world increasingly aware of environmental challenges, the convergence of technology and sustainability is positioned to be an essential catalyst for shaping a greener tomorrow. In today’s article from the Fundación LAB, we shall speak of pioneering projects ranging from the use of renewable energies to innovative solutions for environmental management, with an emphasis on the crucial role that technology plays in the fight for an eco-friendly future. 

Companies are increasingly aware of the fact that we must act in order to try and revert climate change in our planet. Sustainable objectives that many companies have already marked as a priority in their calendar to achieve social equity. We shall then speak of the green initiatives that are being carried out to reach an eco-friendly future thanks to sustainable technology. 

  1. ARQBÓREA, one of the largest sustainable buildings

ARQBÓREA is an office building located in Madrid in which architecture, technology and nature blend to create a proposal seeking people’s wellbeing.  

Its innovative and sustainable design incorporates vegetation as the protagonist to promote the connection of people with nature. It is committed to a concept of biophilic architecture, building on the relationship that human beings have with  the «living» and nature, at the service of people’s health and wellbeing.

  1. The first multilayer PET plant in Spain

This green innovation involves a plant that has been awarded prizes by several institutions as one of the best sustainable projects led by an SME. It is the first industrial plant in the world to recycle multilayer PET, one of the materials which thus far has been hard to recycle, despite the fact that it is commonly used in the food industry. 

One of the main novelties of this plant, located in Albacete and led by Repetco, lies in the process of separation of the multilayer sheets by means of a process that does not use chemical additives, one that is energy efficient and sustainable to help us reach an eco-friendly future. 

  1. The importance of Big Data in sustainable mobility

Companies specializing in Big Data are increasingly channelling their knowledge towards green initiatives. A prominent study from last year was led by Ideagenia through its Late Madrid project, which set out to examine the mobility patterns of the residents in Spain’s capital city. 

Thanks to this research, information on the daily commuting of Madrid workers was gathered. According to the study, employees in Madrid covered a distance equivalent to 59 trips to and back from the moon every day. This, however, is not the only striking piece of data; It was also revealed that the average worker in Madrid spends almost 12 full days a month just to get to their place of work. 

These findings are fundamental  when it comes to making strategic decisions to improve mobility in cities, and specific areas in them and in the logistics of corporate mobility of companies. 

  1. Aliqindoi: AI-tested second-hand mobile phones

In Europe, only 4% of mobiles are sold to give them a second life. Aliqindoi is sustainable technology that has set out to change this reality by solving the problem of distrust in the purchase and sale of used electronic devices. 

This new tool uses technology to remotely diagnose the electronics being sold. With the aid of an app which is downloaded to the mobile phone, its software and hardware are checked to guarantee that it is in good condition. 

  1. Artificial Intelligence at the service of solar self-consumption

The innovative initiative of Neuro Energía y Gestión SL, known as the “Smart Grid” project, uses the combination of Artificial Intelligence and Big Data to implement solar generation systems,  thus promoting energy self-consumption. This sustainable technology has been recognized and awarded in recent years for its pioneering nature. 

The company is distinguished by its disruptive approach by applying the most advanced technologies in the energy field. Its aim is to provide innovative solutions to energy consumers, producers, distributors and traders. Neuro Energía y Gestión SL shares its knowledge of the sector and offers systems which integrate the latest technology in Artificial Intelligence to improve efficiency and sustainability in energy and environment management. 

The convergence between technology and sustainability is creating a planet where innovation and environment management go hand in hand towards an eco-friendly future. Technology is becoming the necessary ally in the fight for a more sustainable planet. As we explore and embrace these sustainable solutions,  we contribute not only to the preservation of the environment but also to the building of social and habitable equity  for future generations.


Fuente: https://www.eltiempo.es/noticias/10-proyectos-pioneros-en-espana-para-sanar-nuestro-planeta  



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