The society of the future

What is your vision
about future of the
Region of Valencia?

The challenge facing the unlimited company is immense.

For this reason, at Fundación LAB Mediterráneo we propose 4 axes on which to work over the next few years to build, with you, the unlimited company of the future.​


We support people who take the plunge, who dare and who do everything possible to carry out their ideas, because they are the ones who drive the future.


We are non-conformists, we work tirelessly to break new ground and help those who want to change the rules, because we know that there is always a better way of doing things.


Making everyday life easier to improve our lives is a reality when you rely on technology. All technological advances add up to create a better society that is better prepared for the future.


Investing in research is the key to achieving the future we all want. That’s why we value the vision, work and expertise of researchers in everything we do.

Is there anything better than sharing a future full of opportunities with those you care about?
Yes, do it today.
Are you in?

What is LAB Foundation?

A civil society initiative that listens to, supports and gives a voice to people. It drives the future from now, from companies and new ideas. We are a group of companies that seek to lead change with you. Generating security, trust, debate, wealth and community, while promoting entrepreneurship, innovation, technology and research.

Give us your vision
of the Region of Valencia
of the future:

    How important is entrepreneurship for you?

    Does innovation help to boost our society?

    Can technology improve our lives?

    Do you think that investing in research is essential?
    [select* menu-250 "A lot" "Quite a lot" "A little" "Not at all]

    [textarea textarea-954 placeholder Share your views with us"]